Junior Full-Stack Developer

Kateryna Tkachenko

Analytical mind, able to solve complex multifaceted problems, expressed leadership qualities, purposeful, proactive, stress-resistant, able to work in a team, sociable, active, ambitious

Project Experience

  1. [ HTML5, CSS3 ]

    Individual project: Web design studio with adaptive layout

  2. [ HTML5, CSS3, Vite ]

    Role: Team Lead

    Team project: EnglishExcellence company website with adaptive layout

  3. [ HTML5, SASS, JavaScript, Parcel ]

    Role: Scrum Master

    Team project: IceCream company website with responsive layout

  4. [ HTML5, SASS, JavaScript, Handlebars, REST API, AJAX, Parcel ]

    Role: Team Lead

    Team project: Movie selection application

  5. [ HTML5, JavaScript, BasicLightbox, SimpleLightbox ]

    Individual project: Image gallery using the basicLightbox and SimpleLightbox libraries

  6. [ HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, axios, Vite ]

    Role: Developer (Cards and Search)

    Team project: Web application that provides the user with a convenient and fast tool for searching, studying and saving selected physical exercises for sports

  7. [ React, Redux-toolkit, thunk, createSlice, mockapi ]

    Individual project: "Contact book" app + storing contacts (mockapi)

  8. [ React, routing, axios, themoviedb-api ]

    Individual project: Application for searching movies on React

Work Experience

Certified land surveyor Dnipropetrovsk Regional Land Agency LLC

August 2011 - June 2013|Ukraine

  • Activities in the field of engineering, geology and geodesy, providing technical consulting services in these areas.
  • Development of projects and technical documentation.
  • Compilation of in4 and xml files.
  • Concluding contracts for work.

Individual entrepreneur, Head FOP Tkachenko KO

July 2014 - up to now |Ukraine

  • Activities in the field of engineering, geology and geodesy, provision of technical consulting services in these areas.
  • Development of design and technical documentation.
  • Hiring employees.
  • Implementation of order projects, coordination with relevant structures.

Director Bestik-Snack LLC

January 2018 - February 2020 |Ukraine

  • Tea and coffee production; production of spices and seasonings.
  • Flour ground cereal industry.
  • Other types of processing, canning of fruits and vegetables.


GoIT Neoversity / Woolf

Master of Science in Computer Science: Software Engineering

May 2023 - up to now | Ukraine

IT School GoIT

Full Stack Developer

May 2022 - June 2023 | Ukraine

STEP Computer Academy

Internet Marketing

August 2022 - March 2023 | Ukraine

Communal Institution of Higher Education "Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education" of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council

Master of Public Management and Administration

September 2019 - February 2021 | Ukraine

Alfred Nobel University

Master of Business Administration

September 2017 - June 2019 | Ukraine

National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"

Master of Land management and Cadastre

September 2006 - June 2011 | Ukraine